On 08/16/2016 01:12 PM, Patrick Eigensatz wrote:
> No, the errors I experienced were all PKGBUILD syntax related mistakes;
> also I didn't know I could use full bash syntax in the PKGSRC file this
> is why I "extended"   ./   to   sh    to eliminate possible error causes
> I would not have been aware of.

Well, if it helps your understanding... :)

makepkg is written in pure bash, and will source the PKGBUILD then use
the bash variables and functions defined in the PKGBUILD in order to
build the package. So yes, anything bash will work.

(You are also guaranteed that anything defined in libmakepkg is
available for you to use.)

Granted, makepkg will run additional checks to make sure that the
makepkg-specific variables/functions conform to what makepkg expects.
eg. checking that things which need to be arrays aren't (lazily) strings

Eli Schwartz

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