On 09/09/2016 11:27 AM, Jude DaShiell wrote:
> Has anyone figured out how to get that package to build and install yet?
> It would be nice to have a spreadsheet cli users could use with more 
> available functions in it than sc or sc-im.  I never did find out whether 
> oleo would fit this bill since I can't get it to build so I can find out.

"yet" -- implies context other subscribers to this list may not be aware
of? I know *my* crystal ball is offline today...

Okay. I will assume you are referring to the build error posted in the
comments at https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/oleo

*Can* you build it according to upstream compilation instructions? If
not, you should ask upstream what the problem is. This is not the "how
do I fix upstream bugs" mailing list, this is the "how do I turn working
upstream software into an Arch Linux package" mailing list.

How many people here (other than you) do you think have actually tried
to compile/run this program, and do you think that number is greater or
less than "zero"?

There is no expectation that anyone here has any clue what you are
talking about.

Eli Schwartz

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