On 12/21/2016 12:27 AM, Florian Bruhin wrote:
> Huh. I haven't had my first coffee yet, but when I open a bug I can
> only select a category, with the most accurate ones being "web sites"
> and "Arch projects" - both of which seemed kinda unspecific for an AUR
> mail bug.
> Am I missing something?

You must be, because if you *follow my link* and open a bug report
against the "AUR web interface" project, the default category is
"Backend", and your alternatives are "PKGBUILD Parser" and "Security".

So go drink that coffee and look again, I guess?


Flyspray has "projects", which are essentially different bugtrackers.
Switch between them with the Switch button next to "the" dropdown. Or,
well, follow the link which I gave you for a reason!

Eli Schwartz

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