Hi there,

With my recent email address change followed by my email spree to this
list (because of my TU application mostly), I’ve noticed I’m not
receiving my own emails, despite “Receive your own posts to the list?”
being set to “Yes”.

I suppose this is linked to SPF/DKIM/DMARC and the fact mailman
sometimes (based on original sender domains using those techs I guess)
replaces the From address while putting the original sender in the CC
field. Maybe when it does so it forgets to send also to this CC address,
and doesn’t send through the ML because of the “Avoid duplicate copies
of messages” being triggered by the CC field?

Can anyone confirm this? I suppose any GMail user can for instance…

Note, for this email, I’m trying “Avoid duplicate copies of messages” to
“No” in order to check whether it changes anything, which I kind of
expect given my current analysis of this issue, but that isn’t a proper
solution since it will indeed results in duplicate copies.


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