On 2017-01-22 17:51, Konstantin Gizdov wrote:
> Dear all,
> Not sure if this is the correct place to report this. I originally opened
> this post - https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=222249 - with the
> hope of fixing the issue myself with the help of other users. However, it
> seems the same is experienced by other package maintainers as well.
> Since around 2pm today (UK time), I cannot authenticate to
> aur.archlinux.org over
> ssh. All requests are bounced with "Permission Denied (publickey)"
> response. I cannot pull, nor push from/to AUR. Just before I started to
> experience the problem, I was able to update one of my packages around 1pm.
> This, I think, means it is a server side issue of some sort. Can someone
> take a look? Thanks.
> Regards,
> Konstantin Gizdov

It should be fixed now. (Joys of upgrading python to 3.6.)


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