On Sun, 21 Jan 2018 at 04:24:49, Xyne wrote:
> > The intent of the first sectionm before the "OR", is to measure any sort of
> > activity. Updating a package, voting or posting a comment shows that the TU
> > is still logging in to the AUR and thus active in some sense. The point of
> > the first section was to provide a way to remove TUs who had simply
> > disappeared. This is as it should be. There is no mandated TU quota for
> > package actions.
> > The intent of the second section, after the "OR", is to ensure that TUs who
> > repeatedly disregard votes and possibly prevent quorum from being 
> > established
> > can be removed.
> The special removal procedure was only added to handle special cases where the
> TU has clearly abandoned Arch altogether (no detectable activity in the last
> two months) or the TU has simply ignored votes and thus jeopardized quorum,
> again over a period of two months or more.
> The normal procedure should be used to remove a TU who has not impeded other
> TUs in their mission and who has been active within the last two months, which
> gives them time to offer an explanation or a resignation.

So you suggest to remove the first part of the condition (before the
"OR") altogether?

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