> On Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 4:33 PM, Levente Polyak via aur-general <
> aur-general@archlinux.org> wrote:
>> Actually there is no strict rule that base must be installed, its just a
>> strong recommendation. While most systems would be quite useless without
>> having glibc, its still a first level dependencies that a package uses
>> and therefor should be declared explicitly and not implicitly.
>> Opinions vary, but if you ask me its cleaner to explicitly state first
>> level dependencies, no matter from where they may be implicitly
>> available (so yes, personally i add both, glibc and bash if required).

On 02/27/2018 08:48 PM, Adam Levy via aur-general wrote:
> Good to know. I will update my PKGBUILDs accordingly.
> Thank you

Whereas I in contrast believe that glibc and bash even as first level
dependencies make no sense to add, due to the fact that *all*, not
*most* systems would be useless without it, since glibc is used for
literally everything and if you rebuild the entire distro to use musl
libc or something then you are no longer using something even vaguely
resembling Arch Linux. (And if you want to do so anyway then your
toolchain probably pulls in musl automatically, and adding a dependency
on glibc just because the default compiler for makepkg uses glibc would
be wrong from the perspective of the PKGBUILD.)

So as Levente said, there are no real rules anywhere here. I like to
think that the reason namcap warns about glibc is only because it would
need to be explicitly excluded, and no one can agree on what to do here.

So, disregard namcap entirely, as it is often wrong about *lots* of
things, and ask yourself if you really think it makes sense to list
glibc here.


FWIW I understand where Levente is coming from in the general sense with
regard to first-level dependencies that are implicitly available due to
another dependency -- those can often cause issues when the other
dependency unexpectedly drops its own dependency.

I just think glibc, bash, coreutils, util-linux, and other similar
packages should be a special exception. ;)

Maybe one day we will actually decide on a "base-sytem" metapackage that
guarantees that all Arch systems have these available. Until then, this
is really a bikeshed discussion.

Eli Schwartz
Bug Wrangler and Trusted User

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