On Wed 30 May 2018 at 14:31, Jagannathan Tiruvallur Eachambadi via aur-general 
<aur-general@archlinux.org> wrote:

> License in at least one of package is wrong. I haven't checked the
> others but if they are generated by your script you might want to look
> into it. In r-tidyverse, license is specified as "GPL-3 | file
> LICENSE" which doesn't exists.
> Instead of "license=('GPL-3 | file LICENSE')" use "license=('GPL3'
> 'custom')" if there are other custom licenses involved. "license" in
> the PKGBUILD is an array so each license has to be specified
> separately.

Thanks. I've been meaning to look into this. I'm pretty sure that "GPL-3
or file LICENSE" just means GPL3 for most of them, but that they also
bundle the GPL file. That's the case for r-tidyverse, for example. I
just need to come up with a way to check it for the other 12,500

> Also consider adopting the r-cran-* packages or ask the maitainers to
> convert them to r-$modulename since it will be consistant with what
> was discussed earlier.

I've adopted some that were very outdated and renamed them already. I'll
email the other maintainers to see if they'll rename.

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