On Wed, 2018-11-28 at 20:10 +0100, Robin Broda via aur-general wrote:
> Plenty TUs appear to agree with most things said here, both on the ml and in 
> our top-secret irc channel - however, some have raised issues with part of 
> the suggestions which makes me wonder how we should approach this to reach 
> consensus.
Lot of questions asked, few answered. Like those in my mail.
New side proposals was suggestion by several people, I don't know how you can
see who is agreeing on what.

> I feel like maybe if we split up each point and have a vote for each of them, 
> we could figure out what exactly the others from the team are looking for - 
> without blocking some of the proposals here by batching them up with the ones 
> that weren't so well received.
Split will also help to understand the potential benefit of each change and if
there is a real problem behind.


Sébastien "Seblu" Luttringer

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