On 2/24/19 6:24 PM, Drew DeVault via aur-general wrote:
> Hiya! Jerome convinced me to finally apply for TU, and Sven-Hendrik
> agreed to co-sponsor my application (both Cc'd).
> I'm a generalist that works on free software full time. I maintain the
> following AUR packages:
> https://aur.archlinux.org/packages/?SeB=m&K=sircmpwn
> I also maintain a third-party Arch repo and oversee some automation for
> helping to build and publish new packages:
> https://git.sr.ht/~sircmpwn/sr.ht-pkgbuilds
> I'm also the upstream maintainer for several packages in community,
> including wlroots, sway, and scdoc; and I maintain numerous packages for
> Alpine Linux as well. I maintain many other free software projects,
> most notably sourcehut, and I also contribute to many projects
> maintained by others as well.

Your application sounds interesting and I generally admire your
open-source work.

> I think Jerome has been hoping for some relief from the packages I
> maintain the upstream for, so I may start by relieving that burden. I'd
> also like to move the samuari package into community, and likely some
> of the Python packages from my third-party repository as well.

What is samurai, exactly? It claims to be "a ninja-compatible build
tool" but I'm not sure what the comparative advantages are supposed to be.
(Aside: If I wanted another build tool rewrite, it would probably be
meson because it would actually be super interesting to have a meson
generator that could be used for bootstrapping an OS without requiring
python as a prerequisite.)

> Outside of packaging, I have also been doing some exploratory work that
> I hope will lead to finally moving Arch Linux from SVN to git.


> As a long time fan and user of Arch Linux, I'm looking forward to the
> chance to give back to the community. If anyone has any questions,
> please let me know.
What are your thoughts on things like
As you've mentioned scdoc, I recollect that it builds statically against
libc, and ("by design") does not respect the makepkg.conf LDFLAGS -- we
currently override this:

Eli Schwartz
Bug Wrangler and Trusted User

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