Em dezembro 25, 2019 19:36 Karol Babioch via aur-general escreveu:

Announcing this on main site as dedicated news entry is probably
overkill? At least it would get some attention and potentially some new
maintainer could be found this way ;-)?

Not sure how many people are using those packages, but this is seriously
disruptive. Anyone running on this, would probably appreciate to be
aware of the situation ...

I think Sven should have used the arch-dev-public mail list, but it does not
change the fact the current packages are hard to maintain and if no other 
or trusted user wants to pick it up, it will be dropped.

Now, dropping does not mean deleting, they'll be moved to the AUR by Sven and 
orphaned, precisely to allow interested parties to pick it up and maintain it.

News items are for things that require user attention and/or manual 
intervention. The gitlab
package will continue working after it gets dropped, just won't be updated 
anymore until someone
wishes to maintain it on the AUR.

Giancarlo Razzolini

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