Hi there,

It seems this morning sxiv-cdown-git was deleted. It exists as a (small) fork from sxiv with features geared towards using it as a photo manager which Bert has indicated are different from his goals in mainline, not merely a set of config options or whatever. I assume Eli deleted it because he thought it's a one-person package, but it has multiple users.

I assume it was removed on this basis due to the name:

Make sure the package you want to upload is useful. Will anyone else want to use this package? Is it extremely specialized? If more than a few people would find this package useful, it is appropriate for submission.

...but it is acutually used by a number of people (I know, because I have others in my photography group who use it).

Eli, on that basis, would you kindly consider restoring it? I'm happy to rename it sxiv-photomanager-git, or whatever else.

I'm also a bit concerned about the predecent set for other packages which happen to bear my name, if that's the criteria for removal. For example, I have `systemd-cdown-git`, which is what I use when people report systemd problems to me and I write and ask them to try out some patches, so it's definitely used by more than a few people, albeit sporadically. Sure, I could just send PKGBUILDs and .install files around, but this seems reasonable to have on the AUR since it means I can just tell them the package to install, and things Just Work(tm). That strategy has been very successful in the past. If the naming is part of the rationale for removal, any suggestion for that one?



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