On Mon, 12 Oct 2020 20:01:45 -0400
Manhong Dai via aur-general <aur-general@archlinux.org> wrote:

> The comments were sent to me indeed.  However, I didn't receive any email
> notification about the package is marked as out of state.

And what in the world does "out of state" even mean? Of course there's no
notification for it, it's not a thing.

> The comment is just a simple 'bad taste' without any link or other advice.
> The commenter is not a trusted user either and thus I won't simply accept
> the pull request without going through the change one by one to be on the
> safe side. I always compile and test the package during our cluster
> upgrade, which happens once or twice per year. After all, the package works.

Without any link or other advice, but it had a pull request. You're
contradicting yourself here.

You think you can ignore people just because they're not a TU? Think again.

Saying the package works is not a defense. You couldn't even get something as
simple as the pkgver right.

> Now, let me repeat it again, I didn't receive any notification when the
> package was marked as out of state.  I just searched my email again.

And again, "out of state" is not a thing.

> You can see I recently updated my other three packages per other people's
> suggestions. I acted very quickly, if the comment is reasonable and not as
> simple as a 'bad taste'. If other users are not satisfied with my package,
> they can always fork and put a link under my package, instead of 'robbing'.
> Now , all things considered, can I get the maintainer status back?
> Best,
> Manhong
> Sent from phone
<snip all previous>

And stop top posting.

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