Hi Bartosz,
You can use yaourt -G libbreoffice or yaourt -G openoffce,
it will download libreoffce and openoffice source PKGBUILDs. Then you
can fix these two packages and ask for maintainer's or co-maintainer's
rights in your AUR dashboard. Take a look on "Submit Request" on the
right side. When you granted those rights, you can submit fixed
packages and maintain them.

On Fri, Dec 18, 2020 at 10:01 AM Bartosz Bartczak <bart...@algrim.pl> wrote:
> Hello all.
> I see that we have problem with "openoffice" in aur.
> Look:
> $ yaourt -S openoffice
> ==> Downloading openoffice PKGBUILD from AUR...
> kikislater commented on <a href="#comment-751939"
> class="date">2020-06-19 05:25</a>
> LordofNoob commented on <a href="#comment-752120"
> class="date">2020-06-20 09:18</a>
> kikislater commented on <a href="#comment-752377"
> class="date">2020-06-22 05:11</a>
> micwoj92 commented on <a href="#comment-774049" class="date">2020-11-05
> 08:32</a>
> gameboy commented on <a href="#comment-779686" class="date">2020-12-08
> 13:06</a>
> openoffice 4.1.7-1  (2019-10-17 11:05)
> ( Unsupported package: Potentially dangerous ! )
> ==> Edit PKGBUILD ? [Y/n] ("A" to abort)
> ==> ------------------------------------
> ==> n
> ==> openoffice dependencies:
>  - freetype2 (already installed)
>  - glibc>=2.5 (already installed)
>  - gtk2>=2.10.4 (already installed)
>  - hicolor-icon-theme (already installed)
>  - desktop-file-utils (already installed)
>  - shared-mime-info (already installed)
> ==> Continue building openoffice ? [Y/n]
> ==> ------------------------------------
> ==>
> ==> Building and installing package
> ==> Making package: openoffice 4.1.7-1 (Thu Dec 17 22:08:40 2020)
> ==> Checking runtime dependencies...
> ==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
> ==> Retrieving sources...
>   -> Downloading v4.1.7-x86_64...
>   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time
> Current
>                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left
> Speed
> 100   306  100   306    0     0   2528      0 --:--:-- --:--:--
> --:--:--  2508
>   0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:--
> --:--:--     0
> curl: (22) The requested URL returned error: 404 Not Found
> ==> ERROR: Failure while downloading
> http://apache.org/dist/openoffice/4.1.7/binaries/en-US/Apache_OpenOffice_4.1.7_Linux_x86-64_install-rpm_en-US.tar.gz
>     Aborting...
> ==> ERROR: Makepkg was unable to build openoffice.
> ==> Restart building openoffice ? [y/N]
> ==> -----------------------------------
> ==> n
> AUR see old version openoffice 4.1.7-1 not 4.1.8 and can't download package 
> from source to build.
> Maintainters nothink doing from:
> "Last Updated:                  2019-10-17 11:05"
> upgrade openoffice not working
> I was asking Organization Apache Open Office that can I be official 
> maintainer Apache Open Office for Archlinux and get answer from Pedro 
> (pedro.l...@mailbox.org) that can I maintainer, he answer me don't see any 
> problem.
> I'm Linux experience user, a bit of a programmer, administrator, security 
> administrator in company for last 20 years. But start my road with linux was 
> about 1995r.
> Program Open Office/Apache Open Office I was using/repair a simple 
> bug/sending ticket to bugzilla from about 15 years.
> In my company Libre Office had too many bugs, too often broken own files xls 
> and he was too much
> unstable. Too many time we must spend for repair LO. We must change it for 
> something much stable like Apache Open Office.
> I think so that can help us example fix it this problem if we wont my help.
> Becking to problem.
> When I was fixit build file get next error:
> yaour -S openoffice
> [...]
> ==> Continue building openoffice ? [Y/n]
> ==> ------------------------------------
> ==>
> ==> Building and installing package
> ==> Making package: openoffice 4.1.8-1 (Thu Dec 17 23:42:02 2020)
> ==> Checking runtime dependencies...
> ==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
> ==> Retrieving sources...
>   -> Downloading v4.1.8-x86_64...
>   % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time
> Current
>                                  Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left
> Speed
> 100  161M  100  161M    0     0  1279k      0  0:02:08  0:02:08 --:--:--
> 1547k
> ==> Validating source_x86_64 files with md5sums...
>     v4.1.8-x86_64 ... Passed
> ==> Extracting sources...
>   -> Extracting v4.1.8-x86_64 with bsdtar
> ==> Entering fakeroot environment...
> ==> Starting package()...
> ==> Skipping openoffice4.1.8-mandriva-menus-4.1.8-9803.noarch.rpm
> ==> Skipping openoffice4.1.8-redhat-menus-4.1.8-9803.noarch.rpm
> ==> Skipping openoffice4.1.8-suse-menus-4.1.8-9803.noarch.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-brand-base-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-en-US-impress-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-en-US-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-core02-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-math-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-draw-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-brand-calc-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-impress-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-core06-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-en-US-help-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-core01-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-en-US-res-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-ogltrans-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-base-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-brand-impress-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-javafilter-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-gnome-integration-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-ure-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-en-US-writer-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-ooolinguistic-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-core07-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-en-US-calc-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-brand-writer-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-brand-math-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-en-US-draw-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-core04-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-pyuno-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-en-US-base-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-brand-draw-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-images-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-core03-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-graphicfilter-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-brand-en-US-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-calc-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-en-US-math-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-ooofonts-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-xsltfilter-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice4.1.8-freedesktop-menus-4.1.8-9803.noarch.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-writer-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-core05-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-onlineupdate-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
>   -> Completing package
> find: 'opt/openoffice4/program/python-core-2.7.6/lib': No such file or
> directory
> sed: no input files
> ==> ERROR: A failure occurred in package().
>     Aborting...
> ==> ERROR: Makepkg was unable to build openoffice.
> ==> Restart building openoffice ? [y/N]
> ==> -----------------------------------
> ==>
> But in "/opt/openoffice4/program/python-core-2.7.6/lib" not 
> "opt/openoffice4/program/python-core-2.7.6/lib" i see files.
> Ok next correct patch in build file (add "/") and get next error:
> [...]
> ==> Extracting openoffice-xsltfilter-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-writer-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-core05-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice-onlineupdate-4.1.8-9803.x86_64.rpm
> ==> Extracting openoffice4.1.8-freedesktop-menus-4.1.8-9803.noarch.rpm
>   -> Completing package
> sed: couldn't open temporary file
> /opt/openoffice4/program/python-core-2.7.6/lib/sedlrxOz8: Permission denied
> ==> ERROR: A failure occurred in package().
>     Aborting...
> ==> ERROR: Makepkg was unable to build openoffice.
> ==> Restart building openoffice ? [y/N]
> ==> -----------------------------------
> ==>
> interesting...
> I was execute yaourt like user not as root.
> I was wrote email for fo...@archlinux.org and d...@archlinux.org but get 
> message that is it wrong places for this problem.
> Maybe this time send email to correct places.
>  Best Regards
> Bartosz Bartczak

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