
My (non- technical), guess is that you are 100% right.


In this country even the under-deck area can get very hot, maybe  50 – 60 
degree C . Both Borgelt and McPhee – from time immemorial –have  been advising 
pilots to cut a vent hole in the instrument shroud to help minimize this 
problem. To my mind a total no-brainer. I do this mod  as a matter of course, 
and have never had a instrument failure issue from this  problem source.


Quite obviously if the plastic cases of above deck units have melted, then the 
temperature required  to do this must be MUCH higher than what I have quote 
above. If you expect your electronics to still function under these extremes 
then all  I can say here is “Barley Charley”: You need to return to La-la land!





From: Aus-soaring [] On Behalf Of 
Richard Frawley
Sent: Wednesday, 22 February 2017 8:24 PM
To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] To PowerFlarm or not?


its not just OzFlarm. I have seen just about every manufacturer product across 
my repair desk on the last 2 years. 


I would not have expected as many failures of older units either, but they are 
failing and reducing in performance. This is why we invested in expensive RF 
test equipment to measure Tx and Rx performance and characteristics so we can 
be sure.


>From the visual state of units, it looks like top of deck mounted units are 
>failing more that under deck, with the small sample size I could be wrong, but 
>it gets very hot on the deck. i have had units back where the plastic case has 



On 22 Feb 2017, at 8:12 PM, Peter Champness <> wrote:

What is wrong with AusFlarm?


It is all solid stae electronics.  Why are they all failing?  10 year life span 
is pathetic.


I am not planning to reinvest intil a better alternative comes along.  I have a 
Flarm., That is all.


On Wed, Feb 22, 2017 at 7:32 PM, Justin Couch <> wrote:

With two of my club's old Mini Oz Flarms pushing up daisies, and more likely to 
follow soon, it's time for us to get some new ones. We fly at Camden, so lots 
and lots of random air traffic about - some IFR, lots of RAAUS types etc. Thus, 
PowerFlarm with ADS-B option seems like a reasonable thing for us to 
contemplate.  What's the general thoughts on where that is going and adoption 
rates?  IIRC the yanks just rescinded their mandatory requirements for it, and 
something happened here in Oz around it too, but my google-fu is weak.

If we look at a 10 year lifespan for equipment, then the horizon of the 
adoption of ADS-B is the interesting bit to us, rather than equipment cost.

Justin Couch                       
Java 3D Graphics Information          
G+                                                       WetMorgoth
"Look through the lens, and the light breaks down into many lights.
 Turn it or move it, and a new set of arrangements appears... is it
 a single light or many lights, lights that one must know how to
 distinguish, recognise and appreciate? Is it one light with many
 frames or one frame for many lights?"      -Subcomandante Marcos
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