Reposting from last week:

Some of you might recall that this list was moved from Internode to Base64 some 
time ago.

Well: It’s moving again.

The software which has been running the group is called Mailman, and it’s 
showing its age. In particular, its ability to handle escalating volumes of 
spam is somewhat compromised. The mailboxes of Simon and I fill up with vast 
quantities of the stuff, and “backscatter attacks” cause Mailman to suspend 
your subscriptions, causing us to field queries about unexpected 

Simon and I had a quick chat about this last week, and decided to move it to a 
Google Group.

The group is called aus-soaring (naturally). You should be able to subscribe to 
it by navigating to and using the 
drop-down menu button near the top right corner.

Google Groups has far better spam protections, a good web interface, and you 
can still interact with it by email if you wish. Once you’re on board, you can 
email to make your voice heard.

For privacy reasons, I’m not going to force-subscribe anyone to the new Group, 
you’ll need to do it yourself. 

We’re going to keep this list running on Base64’s mail server for another month 
or so, but will eventually abandon it. There’ll be some more reminders before 
that happens.

Questions or comments? Fire away, happy to help.


  - mark
Aus-soaring mailing list

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