I dont say much on this list, but this time ive got to:

Why does everybody rely on somebody else, especially in this age of litigation. It would appear that the number of people who are actually prepared to take responsibility for their actions are diminishing every day.

When I was flying, Some of my personal rules were;

1. Flying my own aircraft - ALWAYS do the DI of my aircraft myself. -- TWICE and do it in isolation -- If someone strolls up send them away, if someone breaks your train of thought, start again.

2. Flying a club aircraft - ALWAYS do an informal but thorough DI before flying it -- Even if it had already been done that day.

3. NEVER rely on anybody else.

4. Never EVER rely on anybody else.

5. If you’re not sure that your doing it right, don’t fly the damm thing until you have the knowledge to do it right.

6 Its YOUR life on the line, make sure its safe.

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