Covers it nicely

It's possible to have a medical condition that should preclude you from driving 
and pass a Class 2 medical - you have to answer NO to a few questions you 
shouldn't, but you will never be caught unless you have an accident where this 
was a factor. Passing this medical is like passing the driving test - you don't 
need to know how to drive, just how to pass.

Meanwhile, you are seeing a GP and specialist to manage that condition.


On 18/05/2012, at 18:28 , tom claffey wrote:

> Tim,
> I don't know about "safer" but I can name some pilots who I don't think would 
> pass a medical.
> I have instructed Kerrie to sue and require testing of these pilots should I 
> be killed in a mid-air with them.
> Tom
> From: Tim Shirley <>
> To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia. 
> <> 
> Sent: Friday, 18 May 2012 6:23 PM
> Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] self declared fitness
> Sorry, that does not answer the question.  
> Where is the evidence that pilots with a Class 2 medical are safer?
> Cheers
> Tim
> tra dire e fare c'รจ mezzo il mare
> On 18/05/2012 18:16, Texler, Michael wrote:
>>>   I wonder what statistical evidence there is for the added safety value of 
>>> the Class 2 Medical.
>> Let's also not forget that glider pilots are aging (like their aircraft), so 
>> statistically your chance of developing a medical health issue is increased 
>> just by virtue of being around longer. Diabetes, high blood pressure can be 
>> silently doing you damage.
>> Many chronic medical problems can be better managed when they are diagnosed 
>> early, so aviation medicals aside, everyone should have a family GP and 
>> visit them once a year for a health check (even the young folk). Pee in a 
>> jar, get your blood pressure checked, have your blood glucose and lipids 
>> checked.
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