Your service as an agent in Australia is second to none regardless of any other matter Bernard.

-----Original Message----- From: go_soaring
Sent: Monday, August 24, 2015 8:35 PM
To: Discussion of issues relating to Soaring in Australia.
Subject: Re: [Aus-soaring] German Nationals

I love the friendly banter Bernard, congrats to Schleicher in this round. Though I'd guess the Discus probably outdid the G29 in the results/standings in the years gone by?

I notice many ASG29's & V2's going up for sale, some notable pilots. Getting ready for the new Ventus perhaps? :)

On 24 Aug 2015, at 17:51, Future Aviation Pty. Ltd. <> wrote:

Good evening all

While talking to Schleicher just a few minutes ago I learned that the first 10 (ten) places at the German Nationals went to ASG 29 pilots. In France the results were similar but only the first
8 (eight) places were taken by ASG 29 pilots.

If my information is correct, no other glider has ever dominated its class as clearly as the ASG 29.

Sorry, Adam - it just had to be said!!!

Kind regards to all.

Bernard Eckey
Future Aviation Pty. Ltd.
Ph. 08 8449 2871
Mob. 0412 981 204

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