On Tue, Feb 16, 2010 at 1:35 PM, Stephen Price <step...@littlevoices.com> wrote:
> Yeah, I've seen lots of posts like this where it opens a new window in full
> screen. (Not tested if that works or not) but I need to toggle the current
> browser window (preferably as if the user pressed F11). I'll be calling the
> Javascript from a Silverlight app via HTML Bridge.
> I don't think what I want is possible for security reasons.

One of the posters on Jonathan's link says that it's specifically
disabled, under firefox, unless you have the right permissions.

Without researching, I'd generally consider it not possible as well
(and also in poor taste, as, at least I, never want an existing window
deciding what is best for me, but it may not be relevant if it's for
an internal app, etc).


liquid venture = earache! Lesser abbreviation conspectus pinyon
strengthener? Broody TAPIR? S...

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