> On Apr 3, 2018, at 9:38 PM, Stephen Gillies <m...@caretandstick.com.au> wrote:
> There are a number of DNS servers (commercial products) out there with the 
> extra security integrated for blacklist/threatfeed/behavioural 
> analysis/anti-tunnelling which are I guess more enterprise focused security 
> features,

There are two that provide malware blocking, OpenDNS (now owned by Cisco and 
integrated into their Umbrella managed security platform) and Quad9.  OpenDNS 
is principally aimed at enterprise IT.  It works great.  It’s primarily 
security-focused.  Quad9...

> whereas something like quad-1^9 is surely for end users

…is principally aimed at end-users and SMB, and is primarily privacy-focused.  
It’s the only major one which doesn’t collect user data (query source IP 
addresses and query payload).

> who are happy to give their passive DNS data to cloudflare and IBM?

Neither IBM nor any of the eighteen other threat-intel providers to Quad9, nor 
anyone else receives DNS data from Quad9, because it’s not collected in the 
first place.  Which also means it’s the only one not vulnerable to breach.  And 
it’s the only public one which will be legal in Europe come May 25. is a “temporary research experiment” answering as-yet-unspecified 
questions, by APNIC Labs (Geoff) and Cloudflare, and collects user data.  There 
is no similarity between and other than the lengths of the IPv4 

> I find it difficult to understand why any telco would just to give away all 
> that DNS browsing data to someone else to analyse and monetise?

Correct.  Telcos generally all outsource their recursive resolvers to 
monetization companies like Nominum, so they generally try to hijack the IP 
addresses of other popular recursive resolvers.  Which is why Quad9 was the 
first to implement DNS-over-TLS, so users could authenticate the server and 
protect themselves from having their traffic pcapped along the way.

                                -Bill  (Also Quad9 board chair)

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