You lost me when your sender name is Thomas Bishop but email address says 
Darryl Huges....

On 2 Jul 2019, at 16:53, thomas bishop <> wrote:

Hi List,

This is a bit of a strange one.

We have recently signed up with a new IP Transit provider and noticed the usage 
was a lot higher than our old provider.

After doing some digging and sflow captures we managed to find out the provider 
themselves was sending us tonnes of traffic from their ASN and their IP (They 
are not a content provider).

We raised this with the provider and they said its because they cache akami and 
a few other content providers so that traffic will come through our Transit 
link instead of our peering.

Since the traffic is coming straight from their AS there is little we can do to 
stop it coming in apart from getting our own caching server but i don't feel 
like this should be required.

Curious of your thoughts either on list or privately. Personally i don't see 
why they would cache with their own AS number. We are essentially paying a 
premium for traffic we can get for nothing with peering.

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