Stephane Chazelas <> wrote, on 22 Aug 2019:
> 2019-08-22 09:50:56 +0100, Geoff Clare:
> [...]
> > So how about:
> > 
> >     If a returned ASSIGNMENT_WORD token begins with a valid name,
> >     assignment of the value after the first <equals-sign> to the name
> >     shall occur as specified in [xref to 2.9.1]. If a returned
> >     ASSIGNMENT_WORD token does not begin with a valid name, the way
> >     in which the token is processed is unspecified.
> [...]
> But as seen in my latest update,
> $varname=value
> should not be (required to be) considered an "ASSIGNMENT_WORD",
> as that would mean (with the default value of $IFS and with
> bugid:351 applied) that
> varname=foo
> value='a b'
> export "$varname"=$value
> would be either unspecified or specified to not split $value.
> While all shells interpret it as
> export foo=a b

So propose a change to the part of rule 7 that allows these to be
returned as ASSIGNMENT_WORD, so that it requires WORD instead.  It
doesn't affect the wording I proposed above, which only applies after
the decision to return ASSIGNMENT_WORD has been made.

Geoff Clare <>
The Open Group, Apex Plaza, Forbury Road, Reading, RG1 1AX, England

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