
my name is Gerald Geib (user name: gerald) and I want to get the status of an 
I live in Hamburg (Germany ;-) ) and I would like review (and maybe translate 
from english) documents about OObase and databases.

Have a lot of fun ;-)


Am Samstag 01 Oktober 2005 11:20 schrieb Franz Michael Baumann [c]:
> Hello,
> my user name is Frami and I want to get the status of an author.
> My real name is Frami (Franz Michael) Baumann. I'm german and I'm a
> teacher for languages, i.e. german, dutch and italian.
> What I want to do is:
> * correction of translations into germane,
> * translations from dutch into germane,
> * translations from italian into germane,
> * maybe sometimes also translations from english into germane.
> Frami Baumann

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