Hello Erich, *,
On Tuesday 01 November 2005 11:51, Erich Christian wrote:
> For 2-3 days

wow ... That long ... 48-72 hours ... ;)

> I try to change the datafile on the website, have 
> changed the document url and put my name + mail in the form -
> but there's no change onsite. I get no reaction clicking the
> pencil, and even the (old) document url doesn't work.
> Anyone to tell me what I'm doing wrong?

Have you tried to refresh your browser cache afterwards? And which 
browser (and also which version) have you used to try this? Have 
you tried a different browser?

> Another question:
> Am I supposed to create a new document with all that table
> formatting and copy and paste the german text instead of clearing
> out all the corrections?

Either you use our template from the "Vorlagen" directory or use the 
English original and change the language and the text on the 
fly ... ;) It is up to you how you will do it ... ;)

> A suggestion for another title:
> 'Praesentationen mit Impress -
> Unterschiede zu PowerPoint'
> instead of 'Unterschiede in der Benutzung von...

This is something which should the original translator answer ... ;)

Have fun

It is very vulgar to talk like a dentist when one isn't a dentist.
It produces a false impression.
                -- Oscar Wilde.

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