--- Andrew Makhorin <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Dear Earnie,
> I'm writing to thank you for your help.

You're very welcome.

> I thought that there is full compatibility between GNU/Linux and Cygwin.
> Probably I was wrong. (I'm a novice in GNU/Linux as well as in Cygwin and
> many things are mysterious for me.) 

That can never happen due to the differences in the filesystems and security

> I'll try to resolve this problem by myself.

Feel free to ask questions.  That's how we learn.  Make sure you look at the
cygwin mailing list archives.  As I said, you're example worked for me so it's
probably the line ending formats of the file.


   Earnie Boyd: <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
            __Cygwin: POSIX on Windows__
Cygwin Newbies: <http://gw32.freeyellow.com/>
           __Minimalist GNU for Windows__
  Mingw32 List: <http://www.egroups.com/group/mingw32/>
    Mingw Home: <http://www.mingw.org/>

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