On Wednesday 23 November 2011, Peter Fodrek wrote:
> Dear autotools experts,
> I am stranger in builtools like autotols. My practice in Unix based  C and 
> Java
> programming  using manually created Makefiles lasts 15 years.
> I am able to produce both ELF  binaries (from C source code and java source
> using gcj) and class files form java source codes, but I am not able to 
> produce
> jar archive form class or java source files.
> Would anybody describe me  where are my mistakes,please?
> Would anybody describe me  possible solutions, please?
> I was unable to find out soultion except
> one at URL http://lists.gnu.org/archive/html/automake/2011-07/msg00015.html
> that does not work for me.
Note that the thread you are referring to is just a proposal to a new
feature that will probably be implemented in a *future* version of
automake.  The autotools have currently no built-in support for building
and installing jar files, unfortunately.

Still, this message:
refers to some code that an automake user was successfully employing
to build jar files.  You might want to take a look at that.

> Thank you for any answer
> I look forward hearing form you
> Yours faithfully
> Peter Fodrek

Now, I have some remarks about your code snippets ...

> P.S. 
> My top level
> configure.in 
> file contanis 
> AC_INIT(hello.c)
> PACKAGE=helloworld
> VERSION=0.1.0
This is obsolete usage of AC_INIT and AM_INIT_AUTOMAKE.

You should be doing something like this instead:

 AC_INIT([helloworld], [0.1.0])

> AC_PROG_CC = gcc
This makes no sense.  I suggest you to read an introduction to the
autotools before trying to use them, since proceeding by copy & paste
will only bring you errors and pain.  I had found this one very clear
and helpful when I was still new to the autotools:


> AM_PROG_GCJ = gcj
> AC_PROG_CC = gcj
Again, this makes no sense.

> AC_OUTPUT(Makefile java/Makefile)
Old-style usage.  You should prefer this today:

  AC_CONFIG_FILES([Makefile java/Makefile])

> my top level
> Makefile.am
> file con contains
> bin_PROGRAMS = helloworld
> SUBDIRS = . java
> AM_JAVAC = javac -d .
AM_JAVAC is not a variable used by automake.

> helloworld_SOURCES= hello.c
> and Makaefile.am 
> in the java directory contains
> #bin_PROGRAMS = helloJ.jar
> java_PROGRAMS = helloJAVA
> #jar_ARCHIVES = helloJ
> #JARS = jar
> javadir = ./java
> jardir = ./java
> #_JAVA = jar
> AM_JAVAC = javac
> AM_JAR = jar
Again, AM_JAVAC and AM_JAR are not variables used by automake.

> dist_java_JAVA = ./helloJ.java ./hello.java
> dist_java_JAR = ./helloJ.java ./hello.java
> jar_JARS = helloJ.jar
Unfortunately, JARS is not a primary known to automake (yet).

> #helloJ_jar_SOURCES = ./helloJ.java ./hello.java
> dir = java
> AC_OUTPUT= java
It makes no sense to use AC_OUTPUT in a Makefile.am.

> helloJAVA_SOURCES= hello.java
> helloJAVA_LDFLAGS=--main=hello


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