Vincent Torri <> writes:

> I know that way. I mentioned it (" But it seems that several projects
> use sed in their etc..." See above)

> My question is : which solution is the correct one, as they obviously
> don't give the same result ?

I suppose I should have been clearer.  I believe the method using sed is
correct, and generating the file at Autoconf time is not as correct
(although it's workable).

Bastien ROUCARIES <> writes:

> See autoconf-archive mavcros

That macro has gotten better (it at least doesn't put the user's CPPFLAGS
and LDFLAGS into the *.pc file like it used to), but I still would not
recommend people use it.  By default, it still puts all LIBS into Libs,
not Libs.private, which is nearly always wrong and results in excessive,
unnecessary shared library dependencies.  And, as mentioned, it doesn't
support changing prefix at make time.

It also has a weird workaround to force the variables to be expanded,
where it evals each setting multiple times.  There's probably nothing
erroneous about that, but I don't like it as well as letting make just do
the expansion.

Russ Allbery (             <>

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