+++ Russ Allbery [2012-10-08 12:32 -0700]:
> Bob Friesenhahn <bfrie...@simple.dallas.tx.us> writes:
> > Does simple replacement of config.guess and config.sub constitute a
> > useful "port" to this previously unencountered target?
> Believe it or not, yes, frequently it does.

> Note that this is specifically in the context of Debian, which means that
> all of these platforms are Linux and they're all using glibc. 

Indeed. In more than 90% of cases this is all that was required,
assuming the package cross-built at all (currently everything is
cross-built as there is no actual arm64 hardware anywhere).

yes, a proper autoreconf is better for lots of reasons but it doesn't
really make any difference for our purposes. 

Principal hats:  Linaro, Emdebian, Wookware, Balloonboard, ARM

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