
I added highlighting of functions like AC_INIT for autoconf-mode and
thought it might be useful by default.

Here’s the little Emacs Lisp snippet:

(add-to-list 'autoconf-font-lock-keywords
'("\\(\\(AC\\|AS\\)_.+?\\)\\((\\|\n\\)" (1 font-lock-builtin-face)))

You might want to just include the matching in the variable definition:

("\\(\\(AC\\|AS\\)_.+?\\)\\((\\|\n\\)" (1 font-lock-builtin-face))

I also thought about marking the content inside square brackets (similar
to this: http://youtu.be/4q_inV9M_us?t=4m51s ), but I could not find a
good way to do that… (multiline regexps seem to be problematic)

I think the easiest way would be to just mark square brackets around the
arguments but could not find a suitable default face…

Best wishes,

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