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On Tue, Mar 28, 2023, at 12:12 PM, Frederic Berat wrote:
> Regarding EGREP, although I agree in principle this can be solved by
> using AS_CASE, I'd argue that the component actually required
> AC_PROG_EGREP. In principle, that should be enough, and requesting the
> user to know that internally there may be some need for
> "_AC_PROG_EGREP_TRADITIONAL" that it can't require for, which implies
> that using AS_CASE is mandatory, seems excessive.

In general, *any* construct of the form

case "$var" in
  foo) AC_CHECK_THING ;;

at top level of (not within the expansion of any other
macro) is incorrect and needs to be rewritten using AS_CASE.  Same for
if statements.  See
for why.

In this specific case, I suspect there _is_ a bug in Autoconf, but more
along the lines of "nobody should still be using $EGREP_TRADITIONAL in 2023"
than "some macro isn't AC_REQUIREing all of its dependencies."


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