On 2/1/07, Bruce Korb <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Anything you pick is going to have some grunge.  Here's some uglitude for you:
> > #shell
> >
> > cd plugins
> > egrep -v '^#include' plugin_opts.def
> > list=`egrep '^#include' plugin_opts.def | awk '{print $2}'`
> > for f in $list ; do cat $f ; done
> >
> > #endshell
> and, of course, loose the "#include plugins/plugin_opts.def" line.

I was going to go with this method at first, but my source tree is
more complicated then I let on in my earlier email.  The plugins are
actually part of a library and my apps link to that.  When the
application opts.def files start including the library opts.def file
all the paths break.  I'm sure I could make it work, but just not
worth it.

> Alternatively, your make rule can:
> > dlist=`find plugins -type f -name '*opts.def' | \
> >    while read d ; do echo \`dirname $d\` ; done | \
> >    sort -u`
> >
> > autogen `for d in $dlist ; do echo -L $d ; done` program_opts.def

This is basically what I ended up doing.  Ugly yes.  Hack yes.  Working yes.

> They're both fighting hard for their hack level.  I consider it a
> design bug.  It should have been treated like ``#include "foo.h"''
> instead of ``#include <bar.h>''.  I'm under day job pressure, so
> it may be a little time.  (If you're excited enough to take a gander,
> tpLoad.c contains findFile().  Perhaps give it another argument like,
> "referring file name" that can be used in some reasonable way.  The
> INCLUDE template macro would need to pass in a referring file also.)
> What would the rules be?  Obviously, a leading '/' implies a full
> path.  Also, a leading '$' implies an environment variable (or
> program directory name for "$$/" prefix).  Either of these disallow
> directory search lists.  Should "./" be special?  e.g. only use the
> referring file name or getcwd() if there is no referring file?

If I had the time I would.  Alas, I haven't worked on my own project
in over two months as it is.

> Cheers - Bruce
> BTW, after adding a comment about you having the email problem,
> I found this in my in basket.  It looks like you got through and
> got a bounce message to boot.  Not real swift.

Just curious... Am I the only one with this problem or are others
seeing it too?  I've seen Earnie's problem more then once with various
SF mailing lists and I agree it's annoying.  For those of you not sure
what's I'm talking about- when I post to the autogen-users list, I get
an email back saying I'm not subscribed and that I need to subscribe
in order to post.  However, I am subscribed and my email actually goes
though.  This has been going on for months, although I'm hardly an big
poster on this list.

Anyways, thanks for the tips Bruce.

Aaron Turner
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