On Apr 18, 2001, Akim Demaille <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> Unfortunately it is quite unrealistic wrt the implementation: Automake
> values are read _after_ Makefile.am was.  Supporting this would be
> hard, and I am not sure it would bring really bonus.

How about this: when you find FOO += bar but FOO is not initialized,
replace it with FOO = @FOO@ bar.  It would probably cover the most
interesting cases, no?  Hmm...  Not the case of DEFS :-(

How about adding a mark, such as @+FOO@, that you'd replace with
the contents automake would set by default, when it gets to the point
of setting the defaults?

Alexandre Oliva   Enjoy Guarana', see http://www.ic.unicamp.br/~oliva/
Red Hat GCC Developer                  aoliva@{cygnus.com, redhat.com}
CS PhD student at IC-Unicamp        oliva@{lsd.ic.unicamp.br, gnu.org}
Free Software Evangelist    *Please* write to mailing lists, not to me

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