>>>>> "Rupert" == Rupert Wood <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

Rupert> Lars J. Aas wrote:
>> : Why not close the list then? IMHO it's so easy and fast to join
>> the : list so that requiring that you are a member if you want to
>> post is : OK.
>> I wouldn't mind this personally, but I seem to remember there were
>> some strong opinions against this the last time it was brought up.

Rupert> The sources.redhat.com/gcc.gnu.org solution is to:

Rupert>  * accept all posts from subscribers * RBL-filter posts from
Rupert> non-subscribers * maintain a 'global-allow' list for
Rupert> RBL-blacklisted non-subscribers who want to post

Rupert> It works quite well but I imagine it would need changes to the
Rupert> whole gnu.org mailsystem rather than be implementable
Rupert> per-list. Details here:

Rupert>    http://sources.redhat.com/lists.html#rbl-sucks

There is no point in debating about spam here, it becomes spam by
itself.  What is needed is someone that manages to convince the FSF to
protect their machines.  I tried, and never got answers.

Finally, making these list closed is wrong: there are about as many
posts from people from outside than from inside.  And bug-* can
obviously not be closed.

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