John Poltorak <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> On Sat, Apr 24, 2004 at 04:06:50PM -0500, Stephen Torri wrote:
>> On Sat, 2004-04-24 at 15:21, John Poltorak wrote:
>> > I've never written a file but would like to have a try...
>> > 
>> > GNU ed seems like a relatively simple app, so I'd be interested in writing 
>> > one for it. Can anyone suggest where I start?
>> Create a simple app that prints out a string. See your favorite hello
>> world code. Use automake and autoconf to build the program by creating a
>> simple and a
> I tried that once but it isn't very instructive when using libraries.
> I'm trying to retro-fit a into GNU ed for my own purposes but 
> am unsure about how to handle libs...
> If I have seperate headers for a bin and a lib program should they all be 
> included under noinst_HEADERS as in:-  ?
> bin_SOURCES = bin_a.c bin_bf.c 
> noinst_HEADERS = bin_a.h bin_b.h

The headers in _SOURCES won't be installed.  If they belong to the
program, that's the place to put them.

> noinst_LIBRARIES = liblib.a
> or should noiinst_HEADERS be split between the bin and the lib?

Assuming you have a binary and a library, I'd do this:

bin_PROGRAMS = prog

prog_SOURCES = \
             foo.c \
             foo.h \
             bar.c \
prog_LDADD = proglib.a

noinst_LIBRARIES = proglib.a

proglib_a_SOURCES = \
             liba.c \
             liba.h \
             libb.c \

If you're only using static libs, libtool isn't really required.
There's no need to noinst_HEADERS at all (I only use it when there's a
directory only containing headers i.e. they don't "belong" to any
built object).

It would be more helpful if you posted *exactly* what your
requirements are.


Roger Leigh

                Printing on GNU/Linux?
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