Hello Steven,

* Steven Woody wrote on Fri, Jun 06, 2008 at 06:17:30PM CEST:
> My project tree have many Makefile.am in a recursive directory tree
> and I want every Makefile.am has a line some thing like xxx_CFLAGS =
> -Wall.  What's the way to do that?  You see, there are many different
> xxx_ in different Makefile.am.

I don't quite understand, but you're either looking for
  AM_CFLAGS = ...

(you can also AC_SUBST([AM_CFLAGS], [...]) from within configure.ac)
or for putting a bunch of 'include $(top_srcdir)/.../fragment.am' into
all the Makefile.am files to have some common code.

Hope that helps.


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