
at the moment, the pam_mount project uses the following hack to 
workaround a libtool warning message:

        # Makefile.am (abridged)
        bin_PROGRAMS         = mount.crypt
        mount_crypt_SOURCES  = nlt-loop.c ...
        lib_LTLIBRARYES      = pam_mount.la
        pam_mount_la_SOURCES = loop.c ...
        pam_mount_la_LDFLAGS = -module -avoid-version

        /* nlt-loop.c */
        #include "loop.c"

Warning message that is avoided by doing so:

        src/Makefile.am: object `loop.$(OBJEXT)' created both with 
        libtool and without

Because it is a bit tiring of updating two _SOURCES lists, I thought 
about putting all the files in a temporary .la, for example:

        libinternal_la_SOURCES = loop.c
        mount_crypt_LDADD      = libinternal.la
        pam_mount_la_LIBADD    = libinternal.la

This has further implications, the following of which I can think of.
libinternal.la will be backed by a libinternal.so, which gets
dynamically linked into mount.crypt. This however is an unwanted
effect. `configure --disable-shared` is “not working out” because
pam_mount is supposed to be delivered in a .so file and I cannot just
turn shared library generation off. This probably leaves me with

        mount_crypt_LDFLAGS = -static

Also, libinternal.so will have -fPIC code, which is not needed for
mount.crypt (non-PIC would do).

I'm out of options. What hidden solution does automake/libtool
offer me in this case?

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