Hello Bastien,

* Bastien Dalla Piazza wrote on Sat, Mar 07, 2009 at 01:51:32PM CET:
> ascript.py: ascript_src.py
>       sed -e 
> "s#sys.append('pyexecdir')#sys.append('$(pyexecdir)')#g;s#datadir# 
> $(datadir)/@PACKAGE@/#g" ascript_src.py > ascript.py

This looks good to me, except that, in the rule command, I guess you
should be using $(srcdir) if the input file is distributed.  You can
portably use $@ for the target, though:

ascript.py: ascript_src.py
        sed -e 
$(datadir)/@PACKAGE@/#g" $(srcdir)/ascript_src.py > $@

> I think I need an equivalent in python of the "config.h" header file,
> but where to install it?

Well, config.h headers are often compiler-specific, and use a global
name space so headers generated from different packages clash, so they
should not ever be installed; nor should installed header files depend
upon config.h.

Hope that helps.


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