On Sunday 2009-05-03 23:32, Gerald I. Evenden wrote:

>In a shared library there are about 8 routines out over 100 that refer to 
>libgsl and libpthread.  A frequent situation may arise where an application 
>program has no need for using the 8 procedures infected with other library 
>At the current time, when I try to link such a program I get a failure unless 
>I add all the references to the additional libraries---even though they are 
>not employed by the program in any manner.

Then something is wrong in your setup, because I do not need to list all 
indirect libraries. The only exception is when dealing with 
non-libtooled static libraries that have poor subobject management.

>Am I missing a trick?

If the above answer does not answer it, try providing a test case and 
we'll take it apart :)

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