Hello Gerald,

* Gerald I. Evenden wrote on Thu, May 07, 2009 at 02:58:28AM CEST:
> Well, everything compiled and looked OK when installed in /usr/local/lib
> libproject.a
> libproject.la
> libproject.so
> libproject.so.0
> libproject.so.0.0.0
> BUT!! Now when I try to recompile any application and execute I get the happy 
> message:
> ./geodesic: error while loading shared libraries: libproject.so.0: cannot 
> open shared object file: No such file or directory

Can you show the link commands used for the recompilation?
Can you also show the output of "make install" for libproject?

> It did work before and /usr/local/lib is in /etc/ld.so.conf.

Hmm.  Does it work after you run ldconfig once as root?
What system does this happen on (Linux?), and which distribution?

> Oh yes, in using applications, the HAVE_MALLOC gets turned off in config.h and
> #define malloc rpl_malloc
> gets inserted which the linker can't find---I edited out the config.h so I 
> could get an executable.  ---- but that is a different problem --- I 
> think(?).

That is a different issue.  Presumably you used AC_FUNC_MALLOC but did
not provide a replacement malloc.c; see
  info Autoconf --index-search AC_FUNC_MALLOC

for what to do if you really want that.


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