Bob Friesenhahn <> writes:

> One possibility would be to add configure support for
> --enable-maintainer-mode and then change the defaults when it is
> enabled.  Another possiblity is to add a configure option to enable the
> option, which developers should always enable.

I personally use a separate target (make warnings), which builds both the
source and the tests with various warning flags enabled and -Werror.

# Separate target for a human to request building everything with as many
# compiler warnings enabled as possible.

As a developer, I don't really like the solutions that require I muck
around with configure flags, because configure takes quite a while to run
(much longer than make clean && make warnings for my typical small
projects) and I like to be able to do regular builds while I'm getting
something working or iterating on some test and then a warnings build once
the code basically works.

Completely agreed that -Werror is an inappropriate default.  It's a
development tool, and is just going to cause frustration for someone who
has downloaded the package and wants to use it, not develop on it.

Russ Allbery (              <>

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