Dne 20.6.2018 v 20:20 Cleber Rosa napsal(a):
> On 06/20/2018 10:13 AM, Lukáš Doktor wrote:
>> Dne 19.6.2018 v 04:50 Cleber Rosa napsal(a):
>>> On 06/12/2018 02:27 PM, Lukáš Doktor wrote:
>>>> Hello guys,
>>>> As Cleber pointed out on the release meeting, we are struggling with our 
>>>> asset fetcher. It was designed with one goal, to cache arbitrary files by 
>>>> name and it fails when different asset use the same name as it simply 
>>>> assumes they are the same thing.
>>>> Let's have a look at this example:
>>>>     fetch("https://www.example.org/foo.zip";)
>>>>     fetch("https://www.example.org/bar.zip";)
>>>>     fetch("http://www.example.org/foo.zip";)
>>>> Currently the third fetch simply uses the "foo.zip" downloaded from 
>>>> "https" even though it could be a completely different file (or downloaded 
>>>> from completely different url). This is good and bad. It's good when 
>>>> you're downloading **any** "ltp.tar.bz2", or **any** "netperf.zip", but if 
>>>> you are downloading "vmlinuz" which is always called "vmlinuz" but comes 
>>>> from a different subdirectory, it might lead to big problems.
>>> Right, all your observations so far are correct.
>>>> From this I can see two mods of assets, anonymous and specific. Instead of 
>>>> trying to detect this based on combinations of hashes and methods, I'd 
>>>> suggest being explicit and either add it as extra argument, or even create 
>>>> new class `AnonymousAsset` and `SpecificAsset`, where `AnonymousAsset` 
>>>> would be the current implementation and we still need to decide on 
>>>> `SpecificAsset` implementation. Let's discuss some approaches and use 
>>>> following assets in examples:
>>> Given that the `fetch_asset()` is the one interface test writers are
>>> encouraged to use, having different classes is really an implementation
>>> detail at this point.  For this discussion, I do see value in naming the
>>> different modes though.
>>>> Current implementation
>>>> ----------------------
>>>> Current implementation is Anonymous and the last one simply returns the 
>>>> "foo.zip" fetched in first fetch.
>>>> Result:
>>>>     foo.zip
>>>>     bar.zip    # This one is fetched from "https"
>>>> + simplest
>>>> - leads to clashes
>>> No need to say that this is where we're moving away from.
>>>> Hashed url dir
>>>> --------------
>>>> I can see multiple options. Cleber proposed in 
>>>> https://github.com/avocado-framework/avocado/pull/2652 to create in such 
>>>> case dir based "hash(url)" and store all assets of given url there. It 
>>>> seems to be fairly simple to develop and maintain, but the cache might 
>>>> become hard to upkeep and there is non-zero possibility of clashes (but 
>>>> nearly limiting to zero).
>>> Definitely my goals were to keep it simple, and to fix the one issue at
>>> hand.  My motivations are based on the idea that Avocado should be able
>>> to help test writers with common tasks in tests, but it's hardly going
>>> to contain in itself full-blown and complete solutions to generic
>>> problems, downloading and caching files.
>>> Now, I'd be nice to describe the possible clashes (besides, of course
>>> possible hash collisions).  I can think of one:
>>>  * Anonymous with url "http://foo/bar.zip";
>>>  * "Specific" with url "http://baz/4b3d163d2565966cf554ccb6e81f31f8695ceb54";
>>> The clash exists because sha1("http://foo/bar.zip";) is
>>> 4b3d163d2565966cf554ccb6e81f31f8695ceb54.
>> Yep, this is one possible clash. Other is to have different urls that use 
>> the same hash. As I mentioned it's not frequent, but it can happen.
> Please excuse me, but I don't really follow the "other" possible clash
> you mention.  Do you mean a hash collision on different URLs?  Like a
> hypothetical sha1("http://foo/bar";) == sha1("http://something/else";) ?

yep (but `http://foo/bar` and `http://something/else/bar`)...

>> Note we can decrease the probability by prefixing something, eg. "url_$sha".
> In the example I give later, I think we can just as easily move from
> "decrease the probability" to *eliminate* the possibility by putting
> "anonymous" and "specific" assets in different directories.

Yes, I like that.

>>>> Another problem would be concurrent access as we might start downloading 
>>>> file with the same name as url dir and all kind of different clashes and 
>>>> we'll only find our all the issues when people start extensively using 
>>>> this.
>>> I'm not sure I follow.  Right now the name of the *downloaded* files are
>>> temporary names.  Then, a lock for the destination name is acquired,
>>> verification is done, and if successful, copied into the destination name.
>>>> Result:
>>>>     2e3d2775159c4fbffa318aad8f9d33947a584a43/foo.zip    # Fetched from 
>>>> https
>>>>     2e3d2775159c4fbffa318aad8f9d33947a584a43/bar.zip
>>>>     6386f4b6490baddddf8540a3dbe65d0f301d0e50/foo.zip    # Fetched from http
>>>> + simple to develop
>>>> + simple to maintain
>>> Agreed.
>>>> - possible clashes
>>> Agreed, ideally there should be none.
>>>> - hard to browse manually
>>> True.  As a note, I'd trade the ease to browse the cache for a simpler
>>> overall implementation, because the "browsing" could then be done with
>>> simple scripts reusing the same implementation (like a contrib script
>>> importing from "avocado.utils.asset").
>> Not really, you can't reproduce the url from hash so it will always be just 
>> you have those specific-downloaded files from somewhere and they are this 
>> old/used last time on. Better than nothing, but far from perfect.
> But still we could reuse the same logic.  For instance, a command such as:
>  $ avocado asset --is-in-cache=http://foo/bar/baz.iso
>  IN_CACHE: /home/foo/avocado/cache/$HASH/baz.iso
> Could reuse "avocado.utils.asset" and give user information about the
> cache.  But please note that this is just an example: my mind set is to
> fix a current bug in how the asset fetcher is and can be used.
> Everything else is subject to change.

Sure, the difference is this way you can only check presence while with DB you 
can browse the files.

>>>> - API changes might lead to unusable files (users would have to remove 
>>>> files manually)
>>> This too, but I really think this is minor.  We may want to include the
>>> cache stability along the same lines of the API stability (on LTS
>>> releases) but I don't think we made promises about it yet.
>> Sure, I know users can simply remove everything once in a while...
>>>> sqlite
>>>> ------
>>>> Another approach would be to create sqlite database in every cache-dir. 
>>>> For anonymous assets nothing would change, but for specific assets we'd 
>>>> create a new tmpdir per given asset and store the mapping in the database.
>>>> Result:
>>>>     .avocado_cache.sqlite
>>>>     foo-1X3s/foo.zip
>>>>     bar-3s2a/bar.zip
>>>>     foo-t3d2/foo.zip
>>>> where ".avocado_cache.sqlite" would contain:
>>>>     https://www.example.org/foo.zip  foo-1X3s/foo.zip
>>>>     https://www.example.org/bar.zip  bar-3s2a/bar.zip
>>>>     http://www.example.org/foo.zip   foo-t3d2/foo.zip
>>>> Obviously by creating a db we could improve many things. First example 
>>>> would be to store expiration date and based on last access to db we could 
>>>> run cache-dir upkeep, removing outdated assets.
>>>> Another improvement would be to store the downloaded asset hash and 
>>>> re-download&update hash when the file was modified even when user didn't 
>>>> provided hash.
>>>> + easy to browse manually
>>>> + should be simple to expand the features (upkeep, security, ...)
>>>> + should simplify locks as we can atomically move the downloaded 
>>>> file&update db. Even crashes should lead to predictable behavior
>>>> - slightly more complicated to develop
>>>> - "db" file would have to be protected
>>> I'm a bit skeptical about the "improvements" here, not because they are
>>> not valid features, but because we don't need them at this point.  I
>>> don't think future possibilities should shape too much of the immediate
>>> architecture decisions.
>> Well if you remember the first implementation, I said using a DB would be 
>> useful in the future. The future is here, we can either patch it and somehow 
>> support slightly insecure version, or finally do it properly.
> In my opinion, your intentions are correct, but you're missing the point
> that this "proper" implementation would most probably be a small project
> in itself.  If you are volunteering yourself to write that, and can
> commit to deliver it in a "few days time", than we could halt any other
> approach.

It won't be for a few days, but it won't be for months either.

>>>> Other solutions
>>>> ---------------
>>>> There are many other solutions like using `$basename-$url_hash` as the 
>>>> name or using `astring.string_to_safe_path` instead of url_hash and so on. 
>>>> We are open to suggestions.
>>> I think the one big problem we have identified is the clash between
>>> "anonymous" and "specific" asset.  My proposal to fix that would be to
>>> define the following structure:
>>>  base_writable_cache_dir
>>>    ├── by_name    <- "specific" verified files
>>>    ├── by_origin  <- "anonymous" verified files
>>>    └── download   <- temporary base dir for downloads
>> This was actually something I kept for future discussion as possible 
>> improvements (even with DB). The second improvement was to use 
>> `astring.string_to_safe_path` along with hash that might improve the url 
>> reconstruction.
> Right, I have not forgotten your valid suggestions of using
> `astring.string_to_safe_path`.
>>>> Questions
>>>> =========
>>>> There are basically two questions:
>>>> 1. Do we want to explicitly set the mode (anonymous/specific), in which 
>>>> way and how to call them
>>> As an API designed, I don't think that difference is worth being
>>> apparent to users.  As a user, I'd expect to either pass the name of the
>>> file, or one specific URL, with or without a verification hash.
> (BTW, I meant "As an API designer...")
>> Well you can consider downloading `netperf-1.6.0.tar.bz2` from 2 different 
>> locations. Having explicitly said that it's an anonymous download, it'll use 
>> the other location no matter whether they match.
> You can do that Today with:
>    fetch_asset('netperf-1.6.0.tar.bz2',
>                locations=['http://loc1', 'http://loc1'])

Yes, the difference is when you execute 2 different tests where author of first 
one used on url, author of second test used another url. Then we'd 
(automatically) assume it's specific download even though it was not intended. 
That's why I think we should allow explicit override and not only rely on 
number of provided locations and (not)hash.

>> Actually this brings + points to the DB based solution, because even 
>> specific downloads would be able to specify multiple locations (using list 
>> of urls instead of url).
> Yep, the sky is the limit with such a database-based solution, both in
> terms of work and possibilities.
>>>> 2. Which implementation we want to use (are there existing solutions we 
>>>> can simply use?)
>>> I've did some research, and I don't ready to use code we could
>>> incorporate.  At this point, I'd choose the simplest solution we can
>>> write, that solves the issue at hand.
> Oh my... Did I really write that first sentence? I can hardly understand
> it.  I'll cut myself some slack, as it was pretty late.

No problem, I filled the remaining words and it made some sense...

>> I'm fine with that, although I'd prefer at least creating the `specific` 
>> cache (we don't have to necessarily split all 3, simply creating 
>> `specific_downloads` dir and put all $URL_HASH/$ASSET in there should do 
>> (given we don't want bullet-proof solution). One possible improvement might 
>> be to at least store the actual url and fetched file into 
>> `$URL_HASH/.specific_download_url`, which then might be used by a contrib 
>> script to reconstruct the original assets. Anyway all of these are just 
>> suggestions and I could live without them. The point of this email was to 
>> find out which way we want to go and whether there is anyone with some good 
>> arguments for/against each solution.
> We do need to create at least two (say, "by_name" and "by_location") to
> really avoid having *any* possible clash.
> It looks like the possible name clash is the only deal breaker on the
> previous version, so I'll be working on something based on it, but with
> a separation of directories for "name based" and "location based" assets.

Yep, as I said that solution works for me, even though I still believe in the 
future we might need a real mapping (DB). Let's see...


PS: The download location, we can simply put things into main "cache" where 
"by_name" and "by_location" would also exist.

> Thanks!

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