
Would there be any objections to switching to GitHub pull requests for
development? The Kitware instance of Gerrit will be upgraded at some
point, removing the topic branch functionality. Gerrit feels a little
heavy/clunky, and I feel like GitHub has come a long way since we made
the switch to Gerrit.

We can still do code review on the GitHub pull requests, we would need
to update some of our documentation (I can do that after the 15th, a
few deadlines hitting me until then). Most people seem to have GitHub
accounts/be familiar with the process these days, and the interface is
so much nicer.

We would lose some of the CDash@Home build stuff, but we could work on
bringing it back for build requests. I would maintain the nightlies
too. I am hoping to get a few branches finished up and merged, clean
up the interface and make a new Avogadro 2 release soon. There are
lots of great new features, but the interface needs work and is in a
state of transition that isn't pleasant right now.

Not sure how many people are still on here, but I will try to increase
the frequency of posts here, and get a few more blog posts out showing
new features. Things have been too quiet lately, and there is quite a
bit happening behind the scenes (recent development has slowed, I hope
to change that soon).

We hit half a million downloads recently, I really want to get the new
series in shape to push the next half million downloads. Exciting
visits to Daresbury recently, and lots of ideas for more features once
things are more usable. It feels like a good time to try a simpler
review tool. Longer than I originally intended...

Best wishes,


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