
I've already embarrassed myself on this list with my early naive
questions, as I battle to migrate from PIC to AVR, and I guess I'm going
to embarrass myself again.

What I want to ask is - what's the current thinking within the avr-gcc
community with respect to documentation, and the task of making avr-gcc
approachable to newcomers? Is good newbie-friendly documentation seen as
a valued goal within the community?

Before I start, I do have to express my deepest appreciation for the
marvellous job at code level that has gone into avr-gcc and avr-libc,
and for the time and effort donated by its umpteen developers. It is
absolutely wonderful to have the much-cherished gcc toolchain available
and working so brilliantly for AVR.

But - I've been having a hard time with learning avr-gcc, largely due to
the way the documentation (or lack of it) is organised.

To give some examples:
 - avr-as pseudo-ops - there seems to be no thorough list of these. For
   example, I had to look through list archives to learn how to declare
   a buffer in SRAM via the '.skip' pseudo-op
 - a good part of the C API is well documented via doxygen, but there is
   no consolidated global index of everything. Such an index would prove
   a huge boost
 - there's no definitive list of assembler macros
 - I can count the code examples on my left hand. There really need to
   be several dozen examples shipped in /doc/examples in the avr-libc
   distribution, ranging from the simplest to the more complex

To give an example of great microcontroller compiler doco, consider the
PIC CCS C compiler manual:
That, together with the extensive examples, flatten the learning curve
to a mild uphill stroll. If the CCS compiler was free/opensource, or if
there was a really decent free/opensource C compiler for PIC (sdcc is
not that good), I'd probably be staying with PIC.

I'm sure I'll be ok with avr-gcc and avr-libc once I've got a good grasp
of things. But it does seem that:

 avr-gcc doco = avr-libc site docs
              + avr-gcc list archives
              + avr-gcc and avr-libc source code

I've seen this situation often - developers can often feel that writing
doco that caters to newbies is beneath them. But this can repel a lot of
people, which might be a big part of why PIC, PICAXE and BASIC STAMP,
with their excellent doco, continue to enjoy huge market share despite
their vastly inferior and often much more expensive products.


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