It is possible that you have optimization turned on - so gcc will put variables into register.

Or, perhaps your code has used variables it did not need and gcc will optimise them away.
For example:

int i
for (i=0;i<1000;i++);

will dissappear.

-O0 (or optimisation 0) will stop this but code will be huge.

-O0 is ok for debugging, but for goodness sake use O2 or Os before release. No attempt is made at O0 to
create anything pretty.

-O3 and inline optimisation are very powerful and will rip out large chunks of code that don't do anything.

If you think thi is not the reason, post copy of code with problem


Javier Almansa Sobrino wrote:
Hi everyone. I'm trying to simulate and trace a program developed with
avr-gcc, but I'm not able to see the value of any local variable with
ddd or avr-gdb.

when I wrote print variable I obtain this:

No symbol "variable" in current context.

Anyone knows how to fix it?


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