On Thursday 17 April 2008 00:17, Andy wrote:
> Indirect calls - ie simple function pointers are safe!
> It is only when you try and do some arithmetic with them that there is
> potential problem. The only reason to use arithmetic is for ASM related
> manipulations. (but very useful!)
> For example , (excuse syntax mistakes)
> void foo(void) {}
>  (void * p1) (void);
> p1 = &foo;  //NO PROBLEM

Doubtful is avr6 case with binutils.
Look, please, the program below. It uses only simple function
pointers, no arithmetic.


/* avr-gcc 4.4-20080404 + binutils 2.18 produce incorrect code:
   the foo4() function stores 0 value to 'vp' variable.
   Options: -W -Wall -Os -mmcu=atmega2560

#define BIGCODE()       asm volatile (".rept 30000\n\tnop\n\t.endr")

void (* volatile vp) (void);

__attribute__((noinline)) void foo1 (void)  { BIGCODE(); vp = foo1; }
__attribute__((noinline)) void foo2 (void)  { BIGCODE(); vp = foo2; }
__attribute__((noinline)) void foo3 (void)  { BIGCODE(); vp = foo3; }
__attribute__((noinline)) void foo4 (void)  { BIGCODE(); vp = foo4; }

int main ()
    foo1 ();
    foo2 ();
    foo3 ();
    foo4 ();
    return 0;

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