Hi Eric-

I'm willing to do some avr-gcc bug-finding but (most likely due to my own ineptitude and lack of spare time) I always run into problems building the latest and greatest. I just checked avr freaks and found a pointer to build scripts for avr-gcc-4.3.3. Would bug reports for that version be useful? If not is there a definitive script for building a fully patched avr-gcc-pre-4.4.0 on Linux? Thanks,

John Regehr

On Thu, 12 Feb 2009, Weddington, Eric wrote:

-----Original Message-----
org] On Behalf Of Andy Warner
Sent: Thursday, February 12, 2009 7:23 AM
To: avr-gcc-list@nongnu.org
Subject: More volatile musings [was: Re: [avr-gcc-list]
memcpy() : problem when passing destination pointer]

Here is a paper on the volatile performance/conformance of
various compilers (mostly gcc-based.) Including avr-gcc:


While most of the problems referred to in this thread (and all the
problems in Vincent's original posting) were programmer-induced,
the paper does talk about how the compilers can error, how to detect
it and possible workarounds.

FYI, Dr. John Regehr, and Eric Eide were kind enough to let me review a 
pre-print of that paper some months ago. I agree that it is a very interesting 
paper, and I'm very interested in incorporating their testing system too. Yes, 
there is certainly enough work to do.

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