Hello Richard,
Thanks a lot for your suggestion.

>Yes we can and it has already been suggested: Define Your own abstract data 
>type with an underlying 32 bit integer. You can even overload all operators 
>for it to achieve full >pointer semantics. But I would not go so far and 
>overload the dereferencing operator for readability reasons. The signature for 
>Your read function would then look like:

>void ReadXFlashBlock (unsigned char* dst, FlashAddress src, unsigned int size);

>If templates are Your friends, You can go further and add the value type to 
>Your abstract address type.

>This way You avoid ugly casting orgies everywhere in Your code and You can not 
>mess up integers, internal memory pointers and external flash addresses. Ok, 
>these are >features of avr-g++, but why not?

I do not know if there will be any code over head due to C++. Unfortunately my 
forte is 'C'. Can I trouble you for some examples/sample code please? Thank you 
once again.

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