Does the code run if you comment out 'lora_send("coucou", 7); Does it still crash with simple main() { _delay_ms(1000); stty_print("hello");}
That is start removing code until it works, when you find the line in main that causes a crash, go into that function and start removing code until it works. Slowly you will find the problem. On Tue, Jun 22, 2021 at 12:00 PM Ian Molton <> wrote: > On 22/06/2021 12:59, BERTRAND Joël wrote: > > Hello, > > > > I'm writing a firmware for a board that uses a ATMega 1284. > Firmware > > continuously restarts > > This is likely a branch through zero. > > Common causes on AVR are bad function pointers, and stack damage. > > -Ian > >