Follow-up Comment #4, bug #31873 (project avr-libc):

I went through the patch (file #22684).Please consider the following changes
w.r.t the patch.

1) PR_AES_bm is missing in the power_all_enable()/disable for xmegaA series
2) Xmega D series doesn't have DAC bit in PR_PA and PR_PB registers, so
power_dac_enable()/disable() should be removed from power.h
3)Xmega D series doesn't have USART1 bit in PR_PC, PR_PD, PR_PE and PR_PF
registers, so power_usart1_enable()/disable() should be removed from power.h
4) These changes should also be reflected in  power_all
_enable()/disable() for Xmega D series 


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